JAY —  Selectpersons voted Monday to accept the high bid of $1,201.99 for the Sewer Department’s 2004 Ford Escape.

The SUV was put up for sale after the town learned the vehicle needed costly repairs before it would pass a state inspection.

Town Manager Shiloh LaFreniere opened three bids during the select board’s meeting. Ted Berry Co. of Livermore submitted the winning bid.

In other matters, selectpersons voted to accept job descriptions and pay rates for members of the Fire Rescue Department.

Due to recent changes and retirements, the department seeks to realign the officer positions to better match the roles the officers take on, LaFreniere said.

A captain, emergency medical services lieutenant and safety officer positions will be eliminated under the new structure. Two of the positions have been vacant.


Another lieutenant position will be added. That person will be in charge of the training for the department. The safety officer duties will be shared among all officers. 

Under the realignment, the total amount of the officers stipends will be $20,500, $2,000 less than the current amount.

The savings will be used to offset the $1 increase in minimum wage in January, Fire Rescue Chief Mike Booker said.
