There will be a fun opportunity for any violin, viola, cello or bass players (even beginners) to make music together this summer. It won’t be an orchestra yet, but it will let players experience playing together. This school year 14 third graders had elementary violin instruction through SAD 44. There are other musicians, of all ages, in the area who have some knowledge of string instruments. All are welcome.

This program has been supported financially by the DaPonte String Quartet and organized by Mahoosuc Strings. The strings group will meet on most Tuesdays and Thursdays in June and July from 4-6 p.m. at Crescent Park School under the guidance of Mr. Chris Alberi, beginning on June 26. There is no cost and no commitment, but if players cannot make the first day but plan to come to later meetings, we hope that they will let Mr. Alberi (alberic@sad44org, 207-890-7273) or Ms. Smith (207-824-3491) know.

On June 26, anyone interested should show up at 4 p.m. In the following meetings, the first 45 minutes will be devoted to beginners, and from 4:45-6 p.m. everyone will play. We’ll have some pretty easy music, some fiddle tunes and more complicated stuff if the group is up for it. Bring in your ideas for songs you would like to play.

The point of this program is to have fun playing together and learn along the way. We will remind everyone of this opportunity again before school gets out. It would be very helpful to know who can come and what days. You don’t have to be there every day, but it will be more fun with a good size group. There is no charge for this program. If a player would like private lessons, we will try to arrange that.

If you do not have your own instrument, there are violins (from one-quarter to full size) that you may borrow. A $25 refundable breakage deposit will need to be paid when you borrow an instrument for the summer, which you will get back if the instrument is unharmed. Please contact your principal, the SAD 44 Superintendent’s Office, your music teacher or Ms. Lee Smith (207-824-3491) if you would like to borrow an instrument.

Program dates are June 26 and 28, July 5, 10, 12, 24, 26 and 31.

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