MECHANIC FALLS — Cathy Fifield was elected chairperson and Stephen Bolduc vice chair of the Mechanic Falls Town Council at Thursday night’s meeting.
The council also accepted Jack Wiseman’s resignation from Regional School Unit 16 board of directors, and appointed Lou Goulet to fill the position until June 2019.
On a request from Jay Bryant and the Recreation Committee, the Town Council agreed to hold a workshop with the committee. The date for the workshop is still to be determined.
Town Manager Koriene Low said the five budget articles that were defeated in last week’s election, representing more than $400,000 of the $2.5 million budget, will come up for approval in a special vote Thursday, June 28.
Low said she will push for another vote if the spending is defeated again. 
Voting hours are 8 a.m. to noon, and absentee ballots are available.