LEWISTON — The Stanton Bird Club of Lewiston and Auburn has three events planned in August.

The first is Wednesday, Aug. 8, to Pineland Farms in New Gloucester. Participants will gather at 8 a.m. by The Market and Welcome Center at the entrance from Morse Road off Route 231. The walk will end about 11 a.m.

Pineland Farms is a 5,000-acre working farm and recreational venue. It includes more than 18 miles of trails through woodlands and fields. The club will be on the lookout for the hermit thrush and killdeer. The leaders are Stan and Joan DeOrsey. For information call 207-406-4741 or e-mail jsmd@att.net.

The second walk will be Sunday, Aug. 12, from 1 to 2 p.m. The walk will explore the history and growth of Thorncrag Sanctuary from Alfred Williams Anthony’s initial gift of 45 acres in 1922 through the most recent acquisition in 2016. David Chittim, a professional land surveyor and student of local history, will shed light on some of the owners before Stanton Bird Club and the uses to which they put their lands.

This is the third in a series of monthly Sunday walks held in celebration of Stanton’s 100th anniversary. Meet at the Thorncrag parking lot off Montello Avenue. For more information, contact Jeri Maurer at 207-524-2060 or jerigary@fairpoint.net.

The last trip of the month is Saturday, Aug. 18, to St. Peter’s Cemetery in Lewiston. The cemetery covers 150 acres. Enter on Deer Road, off outer Main Street and continue straight to the far end of the upper cemetery beyond the mausoleum. This trip is also led by Stan and Joan DeOrsey. It will begin at 8 a.m. and end about 10:30 a.m.

All of the field trips are free and open to everyone, from beginning naturalist to advanced birder. Bring binoculars and dress for the weather.

The Stanton Bird Club, a leader in environmental awareness, manages the Thorncrag Nature Sanctuary as well as the Woodbury Nature Sanctuary in Monmouth and Litchfield. More information can be found at stantonbirdclub.org.

Bobolinks winter in South America and nest in Maine fields. This is a male; the females look more like sparrows. They nest in hay fields. (Dan Marquis photo)

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