UPDATE: Auburn police identify woman’s body found Sunday in ‘The Basin’
AUBURN — The body of a woman was found early Sunday floating in the pond known as “The Basin,” off Holbrook Road.
A prepared statement from Auburn police Deputy Chief Jason Moen only reported a death investigation was being conducted.
Moen said the identity of the body will not be shared until an autopsy by the Chief Medical Examiner has been completed.
According to Scott Peters of Lewiston, who went to The Basin early Sunday to fish, he and his friend Jim Hixman of Auburn were preparing to launch their canoe and saw what they thought was a plastic bag floating about 20 feet offshore.
Peters said Hixman paddled out about 15 feet and saw a woman’s body floating face down. He immediately returned to shore and the men called 911.
The men, who are regulars at The Basin many Sundays, had arrived at about 4:30 a.m. It was about 20 minutes before sunrise, Peters said, and very dark, so they did not notice the body right away.
According to Peters, when Auburn police arrived, they used his canoe to paddle out to the body, turned it over and came right back to shore. Police hauled Peters’ boat back on land and asked the men to leave.
According to Peters, when the men arrived at the basin, they did not see anything unusual on shore.
At about 10:30 a.m., a police diver was seen going into the water. About 20 minutes later, an unclothed body could be seen on shore.
Holbrook Road, by the former C.P. Wight School, was closed for most of the day while police investigated the scene.
Auburn police are being assisted by detectives from the Maine State Police Major Crime Unit.
Moen said the investigation is in the “preliminary stages.”
No further information was available Sunday night

Police officers with the Auburn Police Department and the Maine State Police Major Crime Unit investigate after a body was discovered early Sunday near the shoreline of “The Basin,” along Holbrook Road in Auburn. A diver is being assisted by the officer at right holding yellow police line. (Daryn Slover/Sun Journal)

Three cyclists had to change their route Sunday morning after an Auburn police officer redirected them from Holbrook Road in Auburn. (Daryn Slover/Sun Journal)

An officer with the Auburn Police Department drives down Holbrook Road, alongside “The Basin” on Sunday morning. (Daryn Slover/Sun Journal)

Deputy Police Chief Jason Moen, right, of the Auburn Police Department leads the investigation Sunday morning off Holbrook Road. (Daryn Slover/Sun Journal)

Sgt. Chad Syphers of the Auburn Police Department stops traffic Sunday morning from driving on Holbrook Road. (Daryn Slover/Sun Journal)
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