100 Years Ago: 1918

(Ad for a local store): There are about a dozen parasols left that formerly sold at $1.08, $2.50, $2.71. and $3 which we shall place on sale Monday morning at just half price.

50 Years Ago: 1968
Work being done toward securing statewide approval of a bond issue for a new Lewiston-Auburn bridge includes an area telethon Monday, Aug. 5, it was announced today. Roland Marcotte, co-chairman of the budget committee of the organization formed to campaign actively for another bridge, said today he is enthusiastic about the telephone education campaigns, as it is called.
During the telethon, local presidents will get on the phone and call other area citizens who were pre-chosen, and assigned to the phones. The calls will be made from the First Bank from 4 to 6 p.m. Monday after a briefing session at 3 p.m. when volunteers will get worksheets. Area residents will be informed that the $4.5 million bridge is vital to the safety of the Twin Cities and communities. The bond issue for the bridge, sponsored by Rep. Louis Jalbert of Lewiston and endorsed by the entire Androscoggin County Legislative Delegation (both parties), was approved for a referendum by the legislation and will be voted on at the regular November election. 

25 years ago: 1993

The work of Edward Little High School students in preparing, presenting and gaining approval for a plan to revitalize the wooded area adjacent to the school is being hailed as an example of what kids can do with a little encouragement. The ELF Woods project, an impressive plan to renovate a 25-acre tract of wilderness known locally as the Snake Trails, is a testament to students’ “spontaneity” and “citizenship,” the originator of the Kids as Planners Program said last week.

The material in Looking Back is reproduced exactly as it originally appeared, although misspellings and errors may be corrected.

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