AUBURN — The Androscoggin County Commission on Wednesday elected Matthew Roy of Lewiston to serve as chairman for the remainder of the year.

Matthew Roy (Sun Journal file photo)

Roy, the county’s vice chairman and representative of District 3, which includes Greene, Durham and part of Lewiston, replaces Zachary Maher, who resigned last month after being named town manager of Mechanic Falls.

He represented District 6, which includes Poland, Mechanic Falls and part of Auburn.

Maher’s replacement on the commission will be chosen during November’s general election. Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians and Greens in District 6 must hold a party caucus by Aug. 23 to select their candidate for the November ballot. Maher was a member of the Libertarian Party.

In the interim, commissioners will operate with six members instead of seven.

Roy, who along with Sally Christner of Turner is the most senior county commissioner, edged Noel Madore of Lewiston for chairman. Voting by secret ballot, three commissioners voted for Roy, two voted for Madore and one ballot was left blank.


Madore was selected as vice chairman in a 4-2 secret-ballot vote against Isaiah Lary of Wales.

Commissioners also selected Madore to serve as the county representative for the Maine County Commissioners Association and its Self-Funded Risk Management Pool.

During his report, County Administrator Larry Post mentioned the possibility of a joint meeting between the county commissioners and Lewiston and Auburn officials.

“They want to explore where we can better regionalize things,” Post said. Two of the areas Post said the two city managers were looking at were transportation and tourism.