FARMINGTON — Regional School Unit 9 Superintendent Tina Meserve has returned to the district she graduated from in 1985. Meserve, of Livermore, took over district leadership from Dr. Tom Ward on July 1.

Meserve’s connection with the district and surrounding community is deep and full of successes. She transferred to the district at the start of her ninth-grade year. At the time, ninth grade students attended Mt. Blue Middle School and she recalls the transition as challenging.

“I remember the investment the staff made with me as a student during a difficult time. The staff taking an interest in me had an impact and changed the trajectory of my life,” she stated.

The support and encouragement to succeed extended beyond the classroom, said Meserve. Having never been a part of any team or athletic activity, Meserve was given the opportunity to compete as a runner in her freshman year.

“The coach asked if anyone was interested in taking part because team lacked enough athletes to compete. He took me under his wing and developed me into an athlete. I left here with a full-tuition scholarship to UMO. I am fortunate to have had that level of training,” Meserve said.

Except for one year at Marietta College in Ohio, Meserve said her post-secondary education was completed through the University of Maine system. Her Administrative Certification coursework was primarily completed at the Farmington campus, she said.


For her first teaching practicum, Meserve was partnered with Rick Hardy, who taught fourth-grade. Then, Sarah Chamberlain agreed to be Meserve’s student teaching supervisor at the former Wilton Primary School. It was at the Wilton school that Meserve landed her first job teaching kindergarten.

“Everyone was always supportive and welcoming. That has been the theme as I moved from student to teacher and now Superintendent. The staff really helped me learn and grow, not only as a student but as an educator” noted Meserve.

Even though her career took her to school systems throughout the state, Meserve retained a connection with the community through her parents and husband, Jeff. “Jeff retired at the end of last school year after 38 years in the district,” Meserve noted.

Prior to coming to RSU 9, Meserve had been the superintendent of RSU 16 since 2013.

“It is exciting to come back as superintendent after all these years,” Meserve said, “It is my opportunity to pay forward and provide the same support and leadership I benefited from.”