OXFORD — The Oxford Hills Chamber of Commerce and Central Maine Human Resources Association are sponsoring a human resources workshop for the public Sept. 12.

It will be held from 7:30 to 9 a.m. in The Grill of the Oxford Casino on Route 26.

The topic will be wage and hour issues for employers, private and public. The topic is relevant for anyone who has an employee. Attorney Rebecca Webber and Danielle Loring, Minot town administrator, will begin the program with an interactive discussion of what it means if an employee is exempt versus nonexempt and the host of issues that are tied to those categories. Attorney Jordan Payne Hay will lead the discussion on wage and hour topics, such as overtime, minimum wage, volunteers and interns.

Breakfast will be provided and cost is $15 for chamber/CMHRA members, $25 for nonmembers.

To register, call the chamber office at 207-743-2281; email: info@oxfordhillsmaine.com; or online at: www.oxfordhillsmaine.com under the calendar.