This is in response to Ellen Field’s letter (Aug. 8). In her letter, she would have people believe that the media is truthful and unbiased with regard to President Donald Trump. To clearly see the bias she need only open the same paper to see the hatred aimed at Trump and conservatives.

For example, pages A2 and A3 in the Sunday, Aug. 12, edition have five stories and all are anti-Trump. Then, on page C6, is an example of the most racist and bigoted person to pick up a poison pen that I have ever seen in my lifetime. Everything Leonard Pitts Jr. writes blames white people and Trump for everything bad in the world — hardly what I would call unbiased journalism.

As to Field’s claims of Trump’s “abuse of the press,” look how the press and their Hollywood pals treat the president and his family. Obama’s daughters were never called names. Such personal attacks happen daily and the media encourage it because they hate Trump. They hate him because he fights back.

Maxine Waters is telling people to chase Trump supporters out of restaurants and malls. I wonder what she would say if people were harassing the ones who supported Martin Luther King Jr. or Obama. I bet she would call it racist and wrong.

I know I will never change Field’s opinion so I will hope that someday she will let go of her hate and learn to coexist with others who are different or have different views.

Glenn Chateauvert, Greene

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