LIVERMORE — Selectpersons Monday night, Aug. 20,  decided to do more research on a tax-acquired property for which a bid was accepted last month.

On July 23, two bids for the property previously owned by Mary Crocker on Norton Road were opened. The $11,500 bid submitted by Dennis Mancine was accepted over the $6,200 bid from Anthony and Teresa DeMillo.

On July 24, Administrative Assistant Amy Byron said the property was listed as 6 acres.

At the Aug. 6 board meeting, Byron said there was a potential discrepancy between the tax maps and an abutting landowner’s description of his property lines. The board felt it had done due diligence and the sale should stand as it was an “as-is, where-is” sale. Selectpersons Tom Gould and Benjamin Guild were absent.

Monday Mancine said after his bid was approved he went to the property. Richard Crocker came over and informed him the land behind the home and septic system didn’t go with the property.

“I was blindsided. My research showed the right of way talked about in the deed matched. There was nothing in the deed about a sale. What Crocker is declaring is hugely different,” Mancine said.


Selectperson Chairman Mark Chretien said tax maps are a reference only. The town has had this happen before.

Selectperson Scott Richmond said a survey would be needed.

Byron said she and town assessor Paul Binette researched it. There were no distances listed and no transfers back to the early 1960s.

“Our records remained unchanged. Both properties are being taxed for eight acres.

Selectperson Tom Gould said there should be a legal description somewhere.

Richmond said Crocker’s information may not be accurate.


Mancine said a septic system isn’t usually on someone else’s property.

“There were no clues that would lead to this. You may need to make some changes,” he said.

Gould said he wanted to take time to look into it.

Chretien said the bid was “as is” and the town has faced a similar situation previously where the bid stood.

“I’ve seen a lot of weird stuff. There are a few things I’d like to track down. If we can definitively say this is out of the ordinary, we may be able to do something. We have to do the same for everybody,” Gould said.

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