FARMINGTON — A Livermore Falls man pleaded guilty Tuesday to possessing heroin May 29 in Jay.

Ricky M. Fetterhoff, 54, entered the plea to the felony charge in Franklin County Superior Court.

Three other drug charges, including unlawful possession of crack cocaine and two counts of unlawful possession of prescription drugs, were dismissed in a plea agreement.

Deputy District Attorney James Andrews said the cases against Fetterhoff and Melissa Couture, 34, of Livermore Falls were based on information from Jay police Officer Dylan Rider, who was on patrol May 29 when he observed Couture exit the vehicle and go into a residence known to have drug activity. She then returned to the vehicle a short time latter.

Couture was free on bail on 10 charges, including assault on an officer and unlawful possession of heroin, fentanyl and cocaine.

Rider stopped the vehicle and conducted a bail search, Andrews said. Rider found more than 200 milligrams of what was believed to have been heroin, prescription drugs for which neither Fetterhoff nor Couture had a prescription and paraphernalia connected to opiate use, according to Andrews.


Justice Robert Mullen accepted Fetterhoff’s guilty plea Tuesday and approved a one-year, delayed sentencing agreement.

If Fetterhoff successfully meets the agreement’s requirements, he will be allowed to withdraw his plea and plead to a misdemeanor charge and pay a fine. 

If Fetterhoff is not not successful, he will face up to five years in prison and a $5,000 fine.

Couture, who faces similar charges, has not had her case resolved.

Ricky Fetterhoff (Franklin County Detention Center)