LEWISTON — The Lewiston Auburn Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce is offering its next Human Resources Thursday program from noon to 1:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 27, at the chamber, 415 Lisbon St.

Rebecca Webber of Skelton Taintor & Abbott will present Return to Work and Accommodations. 

The workshop will address several situations faced by employers, such as an employee who has been out on family and medical leave and wants to return to work. The employee says he is fully recovered. You are not so sure. Now what? Or maybe the employee has been out on company sick leave or disability leave due to cancer treatments and now want to return to a part-time schedule. How much does an employer have to do to accommodate an employee’s return and what resources are there to help, whether a large business with an HR department or a small one whose bookkeeper handles employee issues?

HR Thursdays are a partnership of the LA Metro Chamber of Commerce, Central Maine Human Resource Association and the Lewiston CareerCenter.

Cost is $25 for members, $50 for nonmembers; free for association members.

For more information or to register, go to https://lametrochamber.com/ and click on Events, or call 207-783-2249.