Recently, I went with my wife to the Labor Day union picnic. We enjoyed good food, good weather and listened to our representatives and labor leaders. They all had good, inspiring things to say.

I would like to suggest that people focus more on speaking in a more positive way as representatives. We live in the United States of America and people need to act as if they are united.

The elections are coming again in November and I am not looking forward to all the negative attack ads I will constantly see and hear. This country can do better than that.

The nation’s forefathers created the two-party system for a good reason. I am a Democrat and I focus on believing that the Republicans are not my enemies. They simply have the strengths that Democrats don’t have.

I believe that when representatives work on a bill in government, they shouldn’t think of making deals (you give me what I want and I will give you what you want). Instead, they should come together to do their best to create a balanced bill that is in the best interest of everyone.

We need to recreate ourselves anew and become again truly, the United States of America.

Lou Giard, Turner

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