FARMINGTON — The source of a mold issue at Cascade Brook Elementary School has been identified and corrected, said Regional School Unit 9 Superintendent Tina Meserve in a phone interview Friday.

After mold was discovered by school employees late this summer, Atlantic Environmental Contractors of Lewiston was hired by the district to conduct testing and find the source of the issue. Tests revealed issues with Aspergillus and Penicillium mold in the physical education office and two storage areas. Meserve said a barrier was put in place to seal off the affected area.

“An intake vent collecting moisture was identified as the source. A correction has been made to the vent to address the problem,” Meserve said.

Specialty Services of Livermore was hired complete the work on the vent.

Atlantic Environmental Contractors conducted testing of the school’s five heating and air conditioning zones and air vents throughout the school.

“The issue is contained in that space. They found no other areas that required remediation,” stated Meserve.


The testing company addressed reports of mold on a floor mat in a different location. Meserve said the spot in question was actually dirt.

Air Quality Management Services of Gray, will conduct clearance testing for Atlantic Environmental Contractors on Monday. Meserve said those results should be returned on Tuesday.

Once third-party clearance is received, Atlantic Environmental Contractors will submit a summary report to the district.

Meserve said she is expecting the summary report and mirco-cleaning of the affected areas to be complete by the end of the week.

“I am expecting a recommendation in the report to continue with periodic sampling every six months for the next two years,” Meserve said.