FARMINGTON — A somber ceremony to remember the nation’s prisoners of war and missing in action was held Friday in Meetinghouse Park in Farmington.

Members of the James A. McKechnie Veterans of Foreign War Post 10881 led the ceremony.

Post Commander Gordon Webber thanked those that gathered in spite of the threat of impending rain.

Katie Smith sings “The Star-Spangled Banner” while Gordon Webber, commander of James A. McKechnie Veterans of Foreign War Post 10881 shows his respect to the flag. (Dee Menear/Franklin Journal)

“We owe it to the guys who have yet to be found, brought back, and buried with full military honors,” he said.

Katie Smith attended the ceremony to sing “The Star-Spangled Banner”. It is something she has been honored to do for many years, she said.

Webber read the names of Veterans listed as MIA who had been identified in the last year. He also read the names of Korean Conflict Veterans from Maine who are still unaccounted for.


Of the 44 Korean Conflict Veterans from Maine who are listed as missing, three are from Franklin County: Captain Kenneth Joseph Granberg of Wilton, Sargent Leighton Haber Patriquin of Farmington Falls, and Corporal Harland Norris Wilcox of Rangeley.

Webber said there are 11 Vietnam Veterans and 465 World War II Veterans from Maine who are still unaccounted for.

Adjutant Glenn Durrell said the post is named after a Farmington man who lost his life during the Vietnam War.

“When we got together to form the post 28 years ago, I pushed to have it named for James McKechnie. When I went to ask his parents what they thought, I can tell you they were proud,” Durrell said.

The ceremony was sponsored by the VFW and Roderick Crosby American Legion Post No. 28 of Farmington.

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