MONMOUTH — The Monmouth Community Players are proud to announce the cast for the opening show of the 2018-2019 season, Larry Shue’s “The Foreigner.” This show is being directed by Bill McLean of Monmouth, with Ginger Smith of Winthrop as assistant director and Josie French of Lewiston as producer. The crew is rounded out by Danny Gay of Auburn on set design, construction and decor; Ginger Smith as decor assistant; Maya Veilleux of Augusta on sound; and Alexa Gallant of Augusta on lights.

Set in “the recent past,”a hapless, painfully shy, socially inept Charlie Baker (Danny Gay of Auburn) gets interjected into a fishing lodge in the backwoods of Georgia by his good friend, Staff Sergeant “Froggy” Le Sueur (Bill McLean of Monmouth). Froggy, who is heading off to a nearby army base to conduct an explosives training, conspires to introduce him as a foreigner who neither speaks nor understands a word of English, thus relieving Charlie of the burden of conversation. It’s a ripe comic situation.

MCP’s production of “The Foreigner” will be performed at the historic Cumston Hall. The show runs for two weekends, Nov. 2-4 and 9-11. Shows start at at 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday and at 2 p.m. Sunday. Tickets are $14 for general admission and $12 for students and seniors.

To order tickets, or for more information, visit MCP’s website,, or call 207-370-9566.

The Monmouth Community Players have announced the cast of the upcoming production of “The Foreigner.” Pictured from left in the front row are Danny Gay, Cindy Dunham and Bill McLean; back row, Ethan Rombalski, Megan Record, Steve Carlton and Gregor Smit.