Jared Golden was born, raised and lives in Maine District 2. He will make an outstanding U.S. Representative for the people. He is hard-working, honest, caring, patriotic and a leader who will put the people first, not special interests.

Golden has worked across the aisle in Augusta and will continue this practice in Washington, D.C. He will have meetings face-to-face with his constitutions in District 2. He will support, protect and not privatize Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and the VA. He will not give giant tax cuts to millionaires and billionaires.

He will stand up and fight for affordable, quality health care, veterans’ benefits, quality education, clean air/water, jobs and fair trade policies.

The best thing to happen to District 2 would be electing Jared Golden to the U.S. House of Representatives on Nov. 6.

People should let their voices be heard by voting.

Crystal Ward, Lewiston

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