LEWISTON — Planning officials are hosting a neighborhood meeting Wednesday to get initial feedback on a proposal to develop the former Pineland Lumber Co. site for a 240-unit apartment complex.

The meeting is scheduled for 5:30 p.m. today in the council chamber at City Hall.

According to City Planner Doug Greene, the Massachusetts-based developer Saxon Partners will be there to present the basics of the plan.

He said city staff would like more information regarding the building’s design details and how traffic from the development will impact the surrounding area.

If the riverside project proceeds as is, the developer will need a contract zone change to increase the density allowed. If the contract zone change is successful, the developer will need a site plan approved by the Planning Board.

Greene said he expects a good turnout Wednesday night, with likely questions about density, the dwelling units all being one bedroom, details about extending the Riverwalk trail to the complex, and sidewalk and street improvements leading to downtown, Central Maine Medical Center and surrounding neighborhoods.

A more recent concept design for the proposed development along Avon Street shows two, 105-unit buildings along the Androscoggin River, with a third 35-unit building across Avon Street. A neighborhood meeting to discuss the proposal is at 5:30 p.m. today, Oct. 3, at City Hall. (City of Lewiston) 

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