LEWISTON — Hunter Steele was surprised to find himself nominated for the 40 Under 40. The list has people twice his age. Business owners, teachers, executives.

Hunter Steele (Photo courtesy Emmie Jones Photography)

But he’s not shy, and he’s got big plans.

“It kind of hit me as a really cool opportunity to represent more than just myself, like everyone at the high school that does so much for our community, everyone on the youth council,” said Steele, 18.

Born and raised in the city, he’s a senior at Lewiston High School and in his second year on the city’s Lewiston Youth Advisory Council as vice chair, a board that advises the larger City Council.

Steele said he wasn’t familiar with LYAC’s work until a guidance counselor tracked him down and handed him paperwork to sign up for it. He would have applied earlier if he had been.

“I was particularly happy with the surveying we did of how kids thought of Lewiston and how they saw Lewiston in their future,” he said. “I think it is a great base for further work, and it can really help our city learn what it needs to do better to keep more young adults around.”


Steele, whose parents are Clint Steele and Kathy Boulet, plays lacrosse for fun.

Another recommendation in high school, this time from a history teacher wanting him to join a mock trail class, shaped where Steele sees a career in the future.

“After the first couple weeks on it, I fell in love with the court,” he said. “I feel like being a lawyer can really protect people, and I really want to try to help people that are wrongly accused and help people fix their lives instead of just going to jail.”

He’s now taken the mock trial class three times, and 10 years from now can see himself practicing in the Twin Cities.

“Lewiston-Auburn lawyers are unbelievable at everything they do,” Steele said. “They just have a great law community in Lewiston, amazing lawyers. I can definitely see myself working here with them.”


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