WILTON — The Planning Board will hold a public hearing on October 18 regarding a site plan review for a proposed Jarden Plastic Solutions parking lot and Pleasant Street entrance for employees.

The board accepted the application for the project during its September 27 meeting. A tour of the site was held on October 4.

The proposal is for a new 98-space employee parking lot on company property located at 5 Mill Street. According to the site plan, the new lot is “intended to separate employee parking from existing truck and plant operations traffic.”

The Wilton Planning Board will hold a public hearing October 18 regarding the Jarden Plastic Solutions proposal for a parking lot extension and Pleasant Street employee entrance. (Pam Harnden/Franklin Journal)

The purpose of the proposed parking lot is to provide for the safety of employees. The number of employees will not change because of the new parking lot.

The proposed Pleasant Street employee-designated entrance will reduce vehicle trips on Mill Street, according to the site plan review. If approved, between 40 and 50 employees will utilize the entrance when changing shifts at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.

Residents have voiced concerns regarding increased traffic on Pleasant Street and Railroad Street.


Town Manager and Road Commissioner Rhonda Irish, and Road Foreman Dale Roberts have discussed the proposed entrance with Maine Department of Transportation personnel, said Code Enforcement officer Charlie Lavin.

“Rhonda plans to attend the meeting and address some of the concerns of the neighborhood,” Lavin stated.

The public hearing will be held at 7 p.m. at the Town Office, 158 Weld Rd.
