Maine’s Sen. Susan Collins made a great, powerful, historic speech explaining the reason for her “yes” vote for the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court. She covered exactly every phase of the steps taken, including that a person is innocent until proven guilty. I believe that every Republican should be proud of her.

During the confirmation, Sen. Collins was mentioned a couple times, thanking her for the history-making speech.

The liberal left is still harassing her for the “yes” vote on Kavanaugh. The liberal Democrats tried all sort of different ways to get her to vote “no.” The gang tactics and threats did not work. All the Democrats could muster was delay, obstruction and character destruction. They can thank their Sen. Diane Feinstein for her obstruction of Dr. Christine Ford’s letter, held up until the eleventh hour. The families of both Kavanaugh and Ford were put through the worst process, full of false or unproven allegations.

The rule of law won out over mob rule in the confirmation on now Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh.

Richard McInnis, Rumford