TURNER — The SAD 52 school board filled a dozen open positions Thursday night and heard about upcoming work with a security consultant.

Superintendent Kimberly Brandt said the board hired a new guidance counselor for Turner Primary School pending certification, a new high school social worker, new grade 5 teacher for Greene Central School, three ed techs, a bus driver, an indoor varsity track coach for the high school and a handful of other positions.

The district is now down to three open bus driver spots, which in a typical year would be, “Three openings, oh, no!” Brandt said. But given that the number’s down from a high of seven, “that feels like great progress.”

“It has been very challenging with the shortage of bus drivers,” she said. “There’s been a lot of hard work (by staff.)”

The district also has six remaining teaching positions open as well as several ed tech positions, she said.

Brandt also told the board that the administrative team will meet with safety consultant Scott Parker on Nov. 6.

Parker will review the annual comprehensive emergency plans passed by the board Thursday to update any policies or plans, work with the schools and coordinate with police, fire and rescue over the next several months.

Brandt said his work is being paid for by funds the district has access to by belonging to the new Great Falls Regional Service Center with Lewiston, Auburn and Poland. 


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