The past few weeks have been dark in this nation as facts battled feelings, and a process that should have focused on professional aptitude focused instead on “he said, she said.”

Above the political turmoil, Sen. Susan Collins rose to give a powerful and convincing speech in defense of Brett Kavanaugh. Despite roars of disapproval, Sen. Collins stood firm to protect Justice Kavanaugh’s rights, as laid out in the very same Constitution he will fight to protect.

Sen. Collins urged Justice Kavanaugh to use his newfound position to bring this nation together — a charge the public needed to hear.

It is so rare to find a politician more focused on doing the right thing than doing whatever brings them the most praise, fame or wealth. Sen. Collins is that politician.

It fills me and countless others with pride to know that we are being represented by such a courageous leader.

I believe Justice Kavanaugh will do a wonderful job as the 114th Supreme Court Justice. Not only does he have incredible professional experience, but his reputation is impeccable. He has proven that he treats all those around him with dignity and respect — regardless of gender, race, age, etc.

I thank Sen. Collins for voting for the right man for the job, no matter how difficult it was. She made Maine proud.

Garrett Mason, Lisbon Falls