Camren Dufour, 12, works on his geography assignment after voting during the Maine Student Mock Election in his Auburn Middle School seventh-grade social studies class on Monday. Seventh- and eighth-grade students voted for Maine’s next governor, U.S. senator, U.S. congressman and on the Maine citizen initiative and four state bond questions. Social studies teacher Shane Gilbert said students talked during class about the candidates and their issues and how bond questions affect taxes and jobs during prior classes. Gilbert said students were particularly interested in the two bond questions relating to Maine’s colleges and the possibility of an Amtrak train coming to the Lewiston/Auburn area if the transportation bond passes. Results from schools across the state will be counted and announced at a Mock Election Rally event in Augusta on Wednesday. (Daryn Slover/Sun Journal)

Madilyn Keep, 12, puts her ballots in the ballot box Monday as election clerk Ansley Watson, right, looks for Julia Rodriguez’s name on the voter list during the Maine Student Mock Election during their seventh-grade social studies class at Auburn Middle School. Seventh- and eighth-grade students voted for Maine’s next governor, U.S. senator, U.S. representative and on the Maine citizen initiative and four state bond questions. Social studies teacher Shane Gilbert said students talked during class about the candidates, the issues and how bond questions affect taxes and jobs. Gilbert said students were particularly interested in the two bond questions relating to Maine’s colleges and the possibility of Amtrak coming to the Lewiston/Auburn area if the transportation bond passes. Results from schools across the state will be counted and announced Wednesday at a Mock Election Rally in Augusta. (Daryn Slover/Sun Journal)

Auburn Middle School students voted on the four bond questions, the Maine citizen initiative involving universal home care and who they would like to be Maine’s next governor, U.S. senator and U.S. congressman. (Daryn Slover/Sun Journal)