Maine native Stephanie LeBlanc’s campaign for House of Representatives provides people with a highly qualified, dynamic candidate running to replace Fran Head. Sadly, Head has declined to participate in community efforts to host a public forum in Bethel to meet the candidates. Why deny voters the opportunity to ask questions and compare candidates?

As director of the Oxford County Mental Health Services, LeBlanc has first-hand knowledge and experience, born from serving the needs of multi-generational rural Mainers. She is a compassionate and dedicated advocate for all, rich and poor.

She is committed to working through compromise and collaboration to restore civility in government and to actually get work done for all Maine people.

Maine needs this woman, who has the energy and drive that her opponent lacks. It is time to give the next generation a chance to pull Maine out of the partisan muck that is becoming the norm.

Lee Hughes, Bethel, treasurer, LeBlanc for House

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