DEAR SUN SPOTS: In response to the Oct. 23 Sun Spots regarding snow removal, I know a person from Oxford who comes to this area. He cuts the grass in summer, too and does a good job. I called him and he agreed to have his information shared in Sun Spots. David can be reached at 207-595-9579.

— Irene Auburn

ANSWER: Thank you for being such a helpful Sun Spotter, Irene! I have a feeling David is going to be kept very busy.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: The Deacons of Fairbanks Union Church in Farmington will be providing a Warm Clothing Give-away on Tuesday, Nov. 27 at the Fairbanks School Meeting House at 508 Fairbanks Road. This event will begin at noon and end at 3 p.m. Donations are being accepted for coats, jackets, socks, boots, hats, mittens, snowsuits, pants, and sweaters — any warm clothing for children and adults. We are also accepting blankets, comforters and sheets to give away. Any help would be appreciated. For donations, call 2207-778-4349, 207-779-1171 or 207-778-3808. We will pick up within a 10-mile radius of Farmington. Thank you for your support.

— Cynthia, Fairbanks Union Church, Farmington

ANSWER: What a wonderful thing to be involved with! I hope you receive many donations and that it all goes smoothly.


DEAR SUN SPOTS: Don’t throw out your planters that are in good shape. Please donate them to the What-Not-Shop so we can reuse them in the Briar Patch Greenhouse in the spring. Thank you!

— Jessica, no town

ANSWER: Because I dislike tossing things into the landfill that can be re-used, I’m always looking for ways to recycle. I’m taking my pile of planting pots to the What-Not-Shop! How about you?

Both the Briar Patch Greenhouse and the consignment shop are run by The Hope Association, which provides leadership, residential, case management, vocational and community support services to individuals with intellectual and related disabilities and their families through programs that enhance independence, dignity, choice and individual well-being. The What-Not-Shop is located in Rumford. For more information, call 207-364-2139 or go to

DEAR SUN SPOTS: I received two $25 checks from Mellon Securities Fair Fund, Box 55948, Boston, Massachusetts 02205-5949. I have no record of this company so I am wondering if I should cash the checks. Is it a scam? Has anyone else received this? Your help would be appreciated! Thank you for all you do.

— No name, no town

ANSWER: You are right to be cautious. If I were you, I would take the checks to the bank and have them authenticated. You should be able to deposit them in your account but don’t spend that $50 until the checks have actually cleared. Educate yourself regarding what protection your financial institution has for fraudulent checks. It’s good to know their policies.

You can also contact Mellon Securities Fair Fund by writing to Mr. Allen Friedman at the P.O. address above or by calling 1-888-213-9043. According to the company’s website at, this refund has to do with a legal settlement obtained after previous mishandling of stock purchase plans, employee stock option plans, direct stock purchase, sale plans and similar plans. If you have a financial adviser, (s)he should also be able to assist you.

This column is for you, our readers. It is for your questions and comments. There are only two rules: You must write to the column and sign your name (we won’t use it if you ask us not to). Please include your phone number. Letters will not be returned or answered by mail, and telephone calls will not be accepted. Your letters will appear as quickly as space allows. Address them to Sun Spots, P.O. Box 4400, Lewiston, ME 04243-4400. Inquiries can also be emailed to

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