Like many Maine employers, my company depends on the University of Maine System to prepare the skilled work force we need to serve our clients and grow our business and the state’s economy. We can’t hire university graduates — especially engineers — fast enough.

That is why I am joining the Lewiston-Auburn Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce in supporting Question 4 on the November ballot.

Voting “yes” on Question 4 will make critical investments at all University of Maine System campuses, including those in Lewiston-Auburn and Farmington to prepare more graduates with in-demand skills that companies like Harriman need to fill thousands of open Maine jobs.

The $49 million bond is well within the state’s borrowing capacity, supported by Gov. Paul LePage and will be directed at infrastructure improvements that provide the greatest return on investment for Maine tuition and taxpayers.

Maine’s public universities currently provide affordable, high-quality education and training to more than 3,000 students from Androscoggin, Franklin and Oxford counties, increasing the likelihood these young people will stay here to live, work and raise their families after they graduate.

Voting “yes” on Question 4 is an investment in their future and the future of the tri-county communities.

Beyond providing an educated workforce, the University of Maine System strengthens the state by generating more than $1.5 billion each year for the Maine economy, a $7.50 return for every dollar in public investment.

On Nov. 6, I urge voters to join me in supporting Question 4 and the opportunities it provides Maine students and employers for success.

Clif Greim, president/CEO Harriman, Auburn

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