BRUNSWICK —  Bowdoin College Museum of Art permanent collections will exhibit the complex intersections of art and the environment in “Material Resources: Intersection of Art and the Environment,” which will be open from Dec. 6 through June 2, 2019.

Showcasing objects from antiquity to today, the collection will examine artists’ dependence on earth’s material resources over a millennia, and it will question how the production of art objects impacts interconnected environmental, political and social ecologies.

Investigating the related histories of living organisms, the environment, and art objects, “Material Resources” will present art as an integral “material” resource in the study of the environment.

The exhibition may be seen at 9400 College Station. For more information, contact 207-725-3275 or

“Cyanotype: From the Great Observatory, Chatsworth, August 26th,” 1851, cyanotype, by Anna Atkins. Museum purchase, Gridley W. Tarbell II Fund. (Bowdoin College Museum of Art)

Turkish, “Discorides Materia Medica,” 1200, ink and gouache. (Bowdoin College Mueum of Art)

“Devil’s Slide Utah, U.P.R.R.,” 1873–1874, albumen print by Carleton Emmons Watkins. Gift of Isaac Lagnado, Class of 1971, in honor of Professor William D. and Alison Shipman. (Bowdoin College Museum of Art)

“Vespers, Guayaquil River, Ecuador,” circa 1862, oil on canvas by Louis Rémy Mignot. Museum purchase, Hamlin Fund. (Bowdoin College Museum of Art)

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