AUGUSTA — The Maine State Museum officially marks the closing of its exhibition, Over There and Down Home: Mainers and World War I, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 11.

The event will commemorate the 100th anniversary of Armistice Day and the end of the Great War. The museum will honor veterans and include special programs. Admission is free.

The program begins at 11 a.m. with World War I re-enactors demonstrating military drills and inspections. Following a welcome by museum curator Angela Goebel-Bain, Maine Adjutant Gen. Douglas Farnham will speak, along with Maine National Guard historian Capt. Jonathan Bratten. A ceremonial wreath-laying will end the program.

The day also celebrates all Maine veterans who, due to recent legislation, have gained ongoing free admission to the Maine State Museum. The free admission requires only the showing of a Maine Resident Lifetime Veteran Park Pass, available from the Bureau of Veterans’ Services.

In addition to the Maine State Museum and Maine National Guard, the day’s events are sponsored by the Maine State Library and Maine State Archives.

The Maine State Museum, Maine State Library and Maine State Archives are in the Cultural Building at 230 State St. FMI: