TURNER — The Board of Selectmen on Monday night approved using up to $25,000 to buy a backhoe for the Transfer Station.

Board Chairman Kurt Youland said he has been looking for a replacement but hasn’t found a used one that meets the station’s needs.

“I don’t know if you’ve seen the one down there, but it’s really not safe,” Youland said. 

He said a good used one can be found within the $25,000.

“It’s time,” Selectmen Angelo Terreri said. 

The backhoe will be paid for from the transfer station reserve account, which has $29,000. The rest will be used to repair the transfer station containers. 


“A couple of the containers are getting pretty tender, but they can be repaired,” Town Manager Kurt Schaub said. 

He said a local welder, Dwayne Pratt, agreed to do the repairs for $3,200.

Schaub said the containers are about 15 to 20 years old, but replacing them would cost at least $12,000 each. He said they are still be usable, but will need to start being replaced in a few years. 

The board also voted Monday to make the Monday, Dec. 24, a paid day off for town employees.

“Many towns are giving employees the day off,” Town Manager Kurt Schaub said.

The board agreed that it wouldn’t make much sense to have the town office open, and that it would be a nice Christmas gift to pay the employees. 

Schaub also announced that the annual tree lighting and Santa visit will be Tuesday, Dec. 4, starting at 6:30 p.m. in front of the Town Hall. 

“We’ll have the biggest tree in Androscoggin County,” he said. 

Turner Fire and Rescue will hold its annual turkey dinner from 4 to 6 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 10, at the Boofy Quimby Memorial Center.