Produced by Dennis Camire
This week’s poem is by David McCann of Higgin’s Beach.
By David McCann
above the river,
dry, white, bits
of eelgrass, barks
under the feet like a seal;
to be distinguished from the beach
sand in all discernible ways the same
without the bark.
Wet expanse of tide’s reach
smooth, here dull, there
a film of water
reflecting beach-goers, birds, rocks.
Runnels, beach draining
into the waves,
stand and they wear away beneath the feet
in the down rushing.
A different substance, coarse,
flecked with bits of shell, stone,
or wet, like the dough the feet tread three inches
deep at each step and stop
has a salt marsh smell
by the river, of marsh mollusk gull,
where a crab shell turns
over and over in the current.
Dennis Camire can be reached at
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