100 years ago: 1918

The ban, which has prohibited local stores from opening evenings, will be lifted Dec. 18 and from that date until Christmas shoppers will have the privilege of purchasing gifts during the evenings. Permission to do this has been obtained from the federal government by local merchants.

50 years ago: 1968

Persons in need of emergency treatment at the Central Maine General Hospital, Lewiston, should henceforth be driven to the new emergency room section on the ground floor of the new Memorial Wing across from the Dunkin’ Donuts establishment.

25 years ago: 1993

Androscoggin County commissioners have set their eyes on a vacant federally owned house at 55 Pleasant St., Auburn. But if they succeed in purchasing the home, which the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has put a $4,900 price tag on, the house won’t stand long. The three commissioners voted unanimously at a meeting this week to pursue buying the home, then tear it down and pave the way for a parking lot for county employees. County Clerk Patricia Fournier reported that a local contracting company said the base cost of demolishing the home will be $4,900, but there may be unspecified charges for removing asbestos that covers basement pipes.

The material used in Looking Back is reproduced exactly as it originally appeared, although misspellings and errors may be corrected.

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