LIVERMORE FALLS — Regional School Unit 73 set the budget timeline Thursday for fiscal 2020.
Plans call for budget workbooks to be distributed at the Jan. 24 board meeting. All budget meetings will begin at 6 p.m. and will be held at different schools throughout the district. The location of each meeting will be announced when room availability has been verified.
On Jan. 31, there will be an overview of the regular education accounts, which include school and system administration, the primary school, elementary school and special services.
The Feb. 14 meeting will cover regular education accounts, including the middle and high schools and co-curricular activities, transportation, facilities and maintenance, debt service and other commitments and all other accounts, including food service and adult education.
On Feb. 28 and March 14, the board will review revenues, with a snow date of March 19.
The board is scheduled to vote March 21 on the proposed warrant. This meeting will be in the board room at the Spruce Mountain Central Office on Cedar Street in Livermore Falls.
The district budget meeting is scheduled for April 4 at Spruce Mountain Middle School.
Superintendent Todd LeRoy said he was splitting up the presentations this year in ways that should allow for better discussions.
“It makes more sense to discuss items when presented,” LeRoy said. “There will be opportunities to discuss things again.”
Board Vice Chairman Michael Morrell said meetings in the past were held at district schools. Sometimes nobody came, sometimes several people came.
Board member Joel Pike said if meetings were held in the board room, half the seats would be taken by people who typically attend the meetings to give reports.
“I like the idea of being in a bigger room,” Pike said.
In other matters, SMHS principal TJ Plourde announced the school had received a report from the New England Association of Schools and Colleges. SMHS has been awarded continuing accreditation through NEASC.
“It’s a continuing process for the next 10 years,” Plourde said. “There will be checkups in two, five and 10 years.
“They gave us a prescription of what we need to work on. I’ll give the next steps in January (at the next board meeting) for the checkup due in October 2020.”
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