LIVERMORE FALLS — Selectmen voted Wednesday to accept a bid for $875 for a 0.28-acre property next to 63 Park St., across from Cedar Street.

The bid was from Julien St. Pierre, the new owner of the house at 63 Park St.

Town Manager Stephen Gould said he checked with the abutter on the other side of the property to see whether they were interested in buying the property. He did not hear back from them.

The town had previously received a bid of $250 from the former owner of the Park Street property and the town countered with a price of $1,500, Gould said. But the former owner was not interested, he said.

The town’s assessing agent, Paul Binette, estimated the property was valued at between $1,000 and $1,500, Gould said.

In other business, selectmen set a public hearing for 6 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 27, at the Town Office on the proposed $5.75 million upgrade of the Wastewater Treatment Plant.


A special town meeting is expected to be scheduled the second week of January.

Gould estimated the project will be paid for by a $4.28 million loan and $1.47 million in a grants/forgiveness proposed financing package. 

The interest rate would be 3.25 percent over 29 years, he said.

Livermore Falls will pay 50 percent of the upgrade and Jay will pay 50 percent. Jay will pay its portion of debt service in conjunction with its normal payment to Livermore Falls for treatment of Jay’s sewage. The towns share the cost of operation and maintenance of the plant based on the sewage flow from each town.