NEWRY — At their Dec. 18 meeting, Newry selectmen heard from Mahoosuc Heart and Soul Project Coordinator Cat Ingraham.

Ingraham provided them with a packet summarizing all the work that has happened with Mahoosuc Heart and Soul. One of the project’s main goals is encouraging many people from different area communities to come together to improve what they think is most important about that community.

Ingraham said some of the things people valued most in the area were community spirit, environment, the economy, education, livability, recreational activities, community health, the people and maintaining a small-town feel.

Ingraham explained that the last part of the packet included 85 different ideas from members of the community on what they would like to see happen in the future regarding their towns.

Some of the top ideas were creating social clubs for young people, improving handicap accessibility in restaurants, expanding and improving clean-up days and creating more opportunities for public art.

“What I am doing now is trying to find leadership in the community, people who are willing to take on some of these actions or organizations that might fit in with their mission and have them commit to do the work,” Ingraham said.


She added that they would try to help them with getting funding, and she said that the idea would be to come up with long-, medium- and short-term projects to accomplish.

Ingraham said that one of the projects has already been done. At the past school board meeting, the board decided one of its goals was to work on strengthening communication between the community and Telstar.

Ingraham plans to return and present the selectmen with more information in January.

The Newry selectmen will next meet on Jan. 8 at 5 p.m. at the Newry Town Office. 

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