FARMINGTON — The Old South First Congregational Church will serve its monthly free community luncheon at noon Saturday, Jan. 12.

The menu includes meatloaf, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, biscuits and cake.

Delivery service will be available in Farmington. Call the church office at 207-778-0424 during the week or the church kitchen at 207-778-4438 on the morning of the luncheon to have the meal delivered.

LEWISTON — There will be a baked bean supper at 4:45 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 12, at Calvary United Methodist Church. 

The menu will be hot dogs, beans, salads, casseroles (including vegetarian), biscuits, brown bread and pies. Cost is $8 for adults and $3 for children under the age of 10. 


Those attending should use the garden entrance on Bartlett Street.

RUMFORD — There will be a meatloaf supper from 5 to 6 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 19, at the Snowshoe Club.

Cost is $7 per person, $4 for children 12 and under. Members and guests are welcome.

Proceeds from the supper benefit club athletes.


NEW GLOUCESTER — A buffet-style bean supper will be held from 5 to 6 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 19, at Amvet Post 6, Route 100.

Cost is $8 for adults and $3 for children under 12.

For more information, contact Wally at 207-926-4403.

WILTON — There will be a public supper from 5 to 6:30 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 19, at the Harland M. Harnden Masonic Hall, 70 Bryant Road, East Wilton.

The menu will include chicken pie, veggies, dinner rolls, pumpkin crunch for dessert and beverages. Cost is $8 for adults and $5 for children under 12.


For more information, call 207-778-2354.

AUBURN — A pancake breakfast will be held from 7:30 to 11 a.m. Sunday, Jan. 13, at St. Philip’s Church, Route 4, across from Lake Auburn.

The menu will include pancakes, sausage patties, fruit cups and choice of beverage. Cost is  $6 for adults, $3 for children 6-12 and free for children 5 and under.

The public is welcome.


WATERFORD — Waterford community suppers will resume at 6 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 17, and continue through the third Thursday in May.

Folks are asked to bring a main dish, salad or dessert to share. The public is welcome. Meals will be at the Wilkins House on Plummer Hill beside the church.

FARMINGTON — The Farmington Baptist Church serves free fellowship luncheons at noon on the third Sunday of the month at 194 Whittier Road.

The meal is open to the public. For more information, contact, 207-779-0731 or

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