The Democrats in 116th Congress are a national disgrace. People should hang on to their hats because it is going to be a bumpy ride.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-New York, has compared herself to Abe Lincoln. According to an interview on “60 Minutes,” it is her intent to raise taxes to 70 percent for those at “tippy tops” to pay for all the free stuff she promises to give away. Her Green New Deal sounds lovely, but she has no idea how to achieve it.

Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona refused to place her hand on a Bible for her swearing in. Sen. John McCain must be rolling in his grave.

At a recent Islamic Society of North America convention sponsored by the Muslim Brotherhood, Rashida Tlaib of Michigan gave a seditious speech which she ended with “we will impeach the motherf***er.”

Maine’s Jared Golden is endorsed by a group called Common Defense — veterans against President Trump. According to its social media sites (with Golden’s picture), members want open borders, gun control, to abolish ICE and a socialist agenda. The group’s main goal is to overthrow a duly-elected president whom members describe as corrupt. It is their belief that a globalist world is a must.

Something went very wrong in the 2018 election. Clearly, changes need to be made. Voter IDs, term limits, psychological exams, something, anything would be an improvement. Truth-in-campaigning laws would be a good start.

Catherine Ferrell, Greene

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