WEST PARIS — Worship services at the First Universalist Church of West Paris are held Sundays at 9 a.m. with refreshments afterward. All are welcome.

Feb. 3 —  “On the Wings of a Prayer,” led by The Reverend Fayre Stephenson. Whether seeking forgiveness, strength or healing, prayer provides a channel for transformation. At this service the role of prayer in transformative communal worship and in solitary meditation will be explored.

Feb. 10 — Guest speaker, Cynthia Reedy, is a third generation Unitarian Universalist. She is a frequent, inspirational speaker at the church.

Feb. 17 — “Taking Stock on Presidents Weekend,” led by The Reverend Fayre Stephenson. The fifth Unitarian Universalist Principle affirms “the right of conscience and the use of the democratic process” — a process believed to be imperative for human freedom and dignity. As the great presidents for whom Presidents Weekend was begun are honored, the state of democracy in early 2019 will be considered.

Feb. 24 — “Prayers as Poetry,” with guest speaker Stuart Kestenbaum, Maine’s Poet Laureate, who will present readings of his poems. He is the author of four collections of poems  and a collection of essays. Kestenbaum has written and spoken widely on craft-making and creativity, and his poems and writing have appeared in numerous small press publications and magazines including Tikkun, the Sun, and the Beloit Poetry Journal. He was appointed poet laureate of Maine in 2016. 

For more information about the church and services, contact Marta Clements at 207-674-2143, mclements96894@roadrunner.com, or Bob Clifford at 207-674-3442, bobarlen@megalink.net. To learn more about Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations, visit www.uua.org.

Stuart Kestenbaum, Maine’s Poet Laureate, will present readings of his poems as guest speaker at the church’s Feb. 24 service.

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