DIXFIELD — A 10-year-old was injured Monday afternoon when struck by a pickup truck, according to Sgt. Ron Wood of the Dixfield Police Department.

The accident occurred at 2:35 p.m. at 22 Weld St.

In his report, Wood said Robert Leavitt, 54, of Dixfield was driving a 1994 Ford when he struck the child.

Leavitt said the child ran between two vehicles that had stopped for a school bus and Leavitt was unable to avoid hitting the youth.

The school bus was not letting off students at the time of the accident.

Wood said witnesses reported the youth “darted out onto Weld Street and that the driver had no way of seeing the child.”

The child was taken to Rumford Hospital by Med-Care Ambulance. According to the police report, the injuries were not life-threatening.

Wood said police were continuing their investigation.

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