LIVERMORE — The Board of Selectpersons voted Tuesday, Jan. 22 to deny a second extension for final payment on a tax-acquired property.

On Nov. 13, the board accepted Constance Gregory and David McNaught’s $5,000 offer for a Norton Road property previously owned by Mary Crocker.

It was the only bid in a second attempt to sell the property, and included a $500 down payment.

The Livermore Board of Selectpersons votes Tuesday, Jan. 22  to deny a second extension on payment for a tax-acquired property. Pictured from left: Selectperson Scott Richmond, Selectperson Chairman Mark Chretien, administrative assistant Amy Byron and Selectpersons Tom Gould and Benjamin Guild. (Livermore Falls Advertiser photo by Pam Harnden)

In July, the town had received an offer of $11,200 from Dennis Mancine and one for $6,200 from Anthony and Teresa DeMillo. Mancine’s bid was accepted, but he withdrew it over a potential discrepancy between the tax maps and an abutting landowner’s description of the property lines.

The DeMillos were no longer interested in the property and the property was again put out to bid.

The board granted a payment extension to Gregory and McNaught on Dec. 20, which ran out Jan. 20, according to administrative assistant Amy Byron.


Byron said Gregory called earlier in the day to request payment be extended until the end of the month because Gregory was waiting for an annuity check.

“I’m torn,” Selectperson Tom Gould said Tuesday night. “It’s in the town’s best interest to have the sale go through. Setting that precedence is a poor example.”

Selectperson Chairman Mark Chretien said the board would legally have to approve the extension in order to accept payment.

Selectperson Scott Richmond moved Tuesday night to deny the extension and put the property back out to bid. The motion was seconded and the vote was unanimous.

In other matters, the board set the date for a road committee meeting and issued a reminder that private plowing into or across roads is not allowed.

The board agreed to post a notice on the town’s Facebook page informing residents about plowing rules.


Chretien said plowing across a road is illegal, as is plowing into a road and not cleaning it up.

“You’re taking sand and salt off the road,” he said.

Highway Foreman Roger Ferland told Byron there were too many occurrences to send letters.

“The town’s plow drivers will have to write them down,” Byron said. “We can call the sheriff with this. We did last year.”

Gould said the road crew could keep watch. Those who break plowing rules repeatedly will receive letters.

The board also set a road committee meeting for 5 p.m. on Jan. 31 at the Town Office complex.

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