LEWISTON — In preparation for its newest gallery exhibit about shoes, “Footwear: From Function to Fashion,” Museum L-A’s guest curators are searching for more information about the shoe industry in Auburn.

Museum L-A has heard through sources over the years that Auburn was once known as the “White Shoe City of the World.” After many research attempts, museum volunteers have not been able to locate a concrete record of what companies were making these famous shoes or the style they are supposed to represent.

The museum is hoping to get more information about where these “white shoes” were made and what they looked like. The museum has also been told that Auburn was also one of the largest manufacturers of Capezio shoes in the country, but has not found any indication that there was a Capezio factory in the local area. The most likely idea is that there was a local company that was contracted to make Capezio shoes here, to be shipped out and sold elsewhere.

The museum is hoping the general public might be able to provide information about these questions so it can be included in the upcoming exhibit to more accurately represent Auburn and its shoe industry history.

Anyone with information is asked to contact Emma Sieh at 207-333-3881 or esieh@museumla.org.