Produced by Dennis Camire

This week’s poem is by Robert Petrillo of Westbrook.


Zephyrus Unbound

By Robert Petrillo


A windstorm swept the region’s broken trees –

the county’s roads and neighborhoods are strewn


today with lifeless limbs and rough debris,

the crumpled dead that from their homes were hewn.

On carnage-matted ground the yellow sun

in bright indifference casts its skipping glance

while fickle breezes flip and toss wet clumps –

a playful step in nature’s careless dance.


The innocence of blue, a child’s eyes

that gaze upon destruction like a game –

beyond the heavens’ mask of cloudless skies

lie dark and heartless spaces we can’t name.

Our human struggle has always been the same;

we wrestle nature’s gods that won’t be tamed.


Dennis Camire can be reached at