WEST PARIS — All are welcome at 9 a.m. Sundays at the First Universalist Church of West Paris, 479 Main St., with refreshments served afterward.

March 3: “Letting Go,” led by The Reverend Fayre Stephenson. What might people need to let go of in order to be true to themselves? For this service, consider the possibilities and create together an artful expression of “letting go” of that which keeps people from being true.

March 10: “Walking the Dog,” led by Pat Harris. Some folks do their best thinking on the back porch, by the water or in the garden. Harris does hers while walking the dog. Lately, she has been thinking a lot about how aging has and hasn’t changed the things she values in life, especially as it relates to her long-held spiritual, religious and cultural beliefs. A lifelong Unitarian Universalist, Harris grew up in Castine and was a middle school educator for 38 years. She had recently retired from the worship committee and the board of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Brunswick, and is taking a year away from leadership. She is now following her passions of writing, art, quilting and reading. Harris lives in Brunswick with her wife, her German shepherd and her three rescue cats.

March 17: “St. Patrick and the Pagans,” led by The Rev. Stephenson. St. Patrick’s Day began as a simple feast day for the saint and, remarkably, has become an international holiday. Join them on this day of wearing green as they consider St. Patrick and the pagans of ancient Ireland.

March 24: “Turning towards the Light: Voices for Justice,” led by Joan Beal. What spiritual sources sustain our efforts at social responsibility and justice? Members of the Norway congregation and outside community will speak briefly on how their faith informs and nourishes their social action. Beal is a regular guest speaker who is a member of the Norway UU church.

March 31: The congregation will attend worship service at the South Paris UU church to take part in the Sunday music program.

For more information, contact Marta Clements at 207-674-2143 or mclements96894@roadrunner.com, or Bob Clifford at 207-674-3442 or bobarlen@megalink.net.

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