100 years ago: 1919

The first woman to win the American Army’s distinguished service medal is Miss Beatrice MacDonald of the Reserve Nurse Corps, who was seriously wounded while remaining at her post with wounded men at a British casualty station during a German night raid. Secretary Baker invited her to the War Department to receive the decoration with formal ceremonies.

50 years ago: 1969

An executive meeting of the newly formed Women’s Auxiliary of the East Auburn Men’s Club was held last night at the home of Mrs. Marilyn Duperey, and it was voted to hold the first regular meeting of the auxiliary on March 2 at 7:30 p.m. at the Grange Hall.

25 years ago: 1994

Alice Kelly, 97, the oldest resident of the Auburn Home for Aged Women, and Rachel Richard, employee of the year, were recently honored by the home. Crown Limousine Service owner Dan Leone gave the two a ride around Lake Auburn before taking them to Rolandeau’s for lunch. Champagne was provided by Florian’s Market and roses by Roak the Florist. Upon their return to the home, they were greeted by staff and residents at a tea in their honor. Kelly commented, “If this happens at 97, I hate to wonder what 98 will bring!”

The material used in Looking Back is reproduced exactly as it originally appeared, although misspellings and errors may be corrected.

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