GILEAD — On March 30 Gilead voters will consider the purchase of a new plow truck, $5,000 for the snowmobile club, and whether to make the road commissioner’s position appointed rather than elected.

The annual Town Meeting will take place at the Town Hall 7 p.m. 

According to town officials, the proposed amounts for regular money articles are staying the same as last year.

If all money articles are approved, the total municipal appropriation would increase by $50,000 over last year, to $258,718.  With the school appropriation projected to increase by about $14,000, the overall total would be $600,602, for an increase of approximately $64,000 to be raised from taxes.

Among the new proposals:

To see if the town will vote to purchase a new plow truck. The total cost of the fully equipped truck would be $124,925 plus interest of $18,295. The total debt will be $143,220. If approved, there would be an annual appropriation of $28,644 for five years to cover the payments. The truck would replace one that is no longer usable, according to officials.

A citizens’ petition of the Gilead Wild River Riders snowmobile club requested an article for a donation from taxpayers of $5,000.

To see if the town will change the designation of the Road Commissioner’s position from ‘elected’ to ‘appointed’ beginning with the 2021 annual meeting. The proposal has been considered at previous meetings, but was rejected.

To set up an account for maintenance of Public Ways Vehicles – $12,000. This will be available for any major repairs on the vehicles.

To see if the town will enact a ruling on how members of the selectboard are paid. Board members are currently required to attend all select board meetings with two exceptions: an emergency, or death of a family member, with notification ahead of the scheduled meeting.

The selectboard also provided the following statement regarding the town meeting issues:

“The selectboard is responsible for the management of municipal finances. They are cautious that the use of taxpayers’ real estate taxes benefits all property owners. The selectboard is also mindful that there is significant work to be done on all town buildings so funds for these projects will also have to be raised through real estate taxes.  At the end of 2018, there was approximately $41,000 in unpaid taxes due. An increase in the mil rate could present more of a burden on taxpayers to meet their real estate tax payment obligation. Looking ahead, the board prefers to anticipate a reduction in tax liens and tax acquired property.”

There are several town official positions up for election:

One member for the School Board (3-year term; incumbent Ann Choquette is expected to run again).

One member for the Board of Selectmen (3-year term; incumbent Stephen McLain is expected to run again).

One member for the Board of Selectmen (1-year term), to fill the vacancy due to the resignation of Byron Stevens. Stevens was elected in 2017 and resigned in November of 2018, according to town officials.

Voters are asked to arrive at the meeting early to get checked off the voting list.

Town reports have been mailed and are available at the Town Office.