Selectmen and town officials listen to comments from the public. Bethel Citizen photo by Samuel Wheeler

BETHEL — Selectmen revisited the idea of putting a WiFi hotspot in town. They had discussed the this at last month’s meeting.

Davis Park had been listed as a possible location for the hot spot, but now selectmen wonder if the hotspot could potentially take up too many parking spaces.

Mason township resident Deb Richmond suggested the common.

“The only issue with the common is there is not a lot of seating or parking,” Town Manager Loretta Powers said.

The only parking near the common is on the street.

“The other way I think it’s useful to have this on the common is there are some businesses right there who might be more willing to help fund this,” selectman Pete Southam said.


The benefit for businesses would be to have their websites appear as soon as someone connects to the hotspot.

Southam said other communities have done this to fund hot spots.

Richmond also thought the Veterans Park would be a good place for the hotspot.

“You’re kind of in the hub of downtown,” Richmond said.

Numerous restaurants and businesses are near the park.

Selectmen will continue to explore options on where the hot spot could go.


Other business

Selectman Lloyd Sweetser made the motion for Crockett to work with Powers on drafting a warrant article for the town meeting regarding the American Legion fields.

The motion was approved unanimously.

The fields were on last meetings agenda and got pushed to this month due to questions about insurance.

The town can assume any liability through the insurance policy for activities that are town sponsored and not put on by a separate legal entity, like the legion teams. Maine Municipal Association’s coverage does not extend to those entities, according to Nicole Turcotte, a associate underwriter for MMA.

MMA recommended that the town get a certificate of insurance for those teams (pine tree/legion teams), which will name the town as an additional insured. The towns coverage only applies to teams that are created under the towns recreation department.

Selectman Don Bennett announced he will not seek re-election this June. Bennett has been a selectman for 21 years.