LEWISTON — Continental Shakedown, with some special guests, will perform a benefit for the Make-A-Wish Foundation, Make-A-Wish Maine (MAWM), Saturday, April 13, at Fusion/Ramada. Central Maine’s “Queen of the Blues” Bonnie Edwards will perform a special set with Continental along with drummer Jeff Glidden and saxophonist Chris Velletri. Acoustic artist Phil Fortier will kick things off at 8 p.m.

A silent auction will take place and donations will be accepted, with all proceeds going to Jeff’s Walk for Wishes Fund throughout the evening. The following backstory explains the inspiration for the event:

“My name is Jeff Glidden. My family and I became involved with MAWM a few years ago, when our two daughters went through some incredible medical problems. Both girls were granted wishes, being the first time in memory that two children from the same family with different maladies received wishes at the same time. I’m very happy to report that these were victory trips for us, with both girls recovering fully.”

The Glidden family, from left: Marianne, Sarah, Erica and Jeff.

Glidden said, “The power of these granted wishes is immeasurable and can mean so much to a critically ill Maine child when they need the light and love most. Thank you so much for supporting my MAWM Walk for Wishes fundraiser.”

For more information about the fundraiser, call Fusion at 207-333-3702.