
WATERFORD – Baked Haddock supper with sides and homemade pies, to benefit the annual Waterford World’s Fair, is set for Saturday, May 4, from 5 to 6:30 p.m. at the North Waterford Congregational Church, 5 Kezars Rd. (off Route 35, across from Melby’s store) in Waterford. $10 per person, $5 for children 6-15, and no charge for children 5 and under. This will be the last supper until next fall. For information, email

Yard sales

BETHEL — This year’s schedule for the Alder River Grange’s yard sales includes May 25, 26 and 27; and Molly Ocket Day on July 20 at Stan Howe’s place in Bethel. The Grange will have a sale on Trapper’s Weekend on Aug. 16 and 17; and a final one Labor Day Weekend on Aug. 31, and Sept. 1 and 2.

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