Eric Jones took first place in the 2019 Maine Association for Pupil Transportation transit division driving skills competition. Submitted photo

Nancy Richardson, 2nd place MAPT transit division driving skills competition. Submitted photo










FARMINGTON — Regional School Unit 9 bus drivers took top spots in the 2019 Maine Association for Pupil Transportation Safety Conference which was held Friday, April 19 at Mt. Blue Campus.

Eric Jones took first place in the transit division of the driving skills competition. Nancy Richardson followed in second and Ken Walters took third.

Andrea Wing placed second in the conventional division.

The difference between the two divisions is the nose of the bus, said District Tansportation Specialist Richard Joseph. The transit division is for snub-nose buses and the conventional division is for front-nose buses, he said.


RSU 9 drivers also took the team award, he added.

He said the state is divided into six MAPT regions. “We are part of zone four,” he explained. “The winners will take part in the statewide conference this summer.”

The Maine State School Transportation Safety Conference will take place July 22-24 at Sugarloaf Mountain Resort in Carrabassett Valley.

“Winners from that competition will go on to nationals which could be just about anywhere,” Joseph said.

Andrea Wing, 2nd place MAPT conventional division driving skills competition. Submitted photo

Ken Walters, 3rd place MAPT transit division driving skills competition. Submitted photo